Friday, August 21, 2009



–noun (used with a singular verb)
1. the study of signs and symbols as elements of communicative behavior; the analysis of systems of communication, as language, gestures, or clothing.
2. a general theory of signs and symbolism, usually divided into the branches of pragmatics, semantics, and syntactics. is one smart cookie.

Basically, what it comes down to is this; semiotics is the study of communication. and signs.
This becomes extremely important to designers of all sorts due to the fact that a majority of our viewing group is not as educated in the arts as we are (but they are in business, education, fitness, mathematics, science, journalism, and it goes on and on. and then on some more.).

{that sounds conceited. definitely not intended that way}

but we, as artists and designers, need to find THE way to appropriately communicate and reach our audience. this is a good way for both parties to meet in the middle.

1 comment:

  1. Good post! The more we talk with other people about what we do as designers the better.
